In February 2022, LEAF provided a submission on the 2022 Federal Budget to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance.
In the submission, LEAF made the following recommendations for sustained and adequate funding of the Canadian movement for women’s and gender equality (in order of urgency and utility):
Recommendation 1: Commit $25 million per year over ten years for sustained core funding to women’s and gender equity organizations, including but not limited to those working at a national level on advocacy, research, education, policy analysis, and legal reform to advance the rights of women and gender-diverse people.
Recommendation 2: Commit $25 million per year over five years for new multi-year capacity-building grant funding for women’s and gender equity organizations.
Recommendation 3: If Recommendation 2 is not implemented, commit up to $25 million for a one-year extension of funding for organizations that received 2019 capacity-building grants through the Women’s Program.
Read and download the submission here.
20220224-LEAF-Budget-Submission-FinalThis submission was supported by the following women’s and gender equity organizations and their allies:
1. B.W.S.S. (Battered Women’s Support Services Association)
2. Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS)
3. Canadian Council of Muslim Women
4. Canadian Federation of University Women
5. Canadian Labour Congress
6. Canadian Women’s Foundation
7. Child Care Now
8. Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice
9. Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW-ICREF)
10. DAWN Canada
11. Disability Justice Network of Ontario
12. Ending Violence Association of Canada
13. Feminist Alliance for International Action
14. Feminists Deliver
15. Keepers of the Circle
16. National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL)
17. National Council of Women of Canada
18. New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity
19. OCASI (Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants)
20. Oxfam Canada
21. Platform
22. South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO)
23. Unifor
24. West Coast LEAF
25. Women’s Shelters Canada
26. YWCA Canada