Thank you for your interest in working with LEAF! Please see below for information about student internships/externships and placements.
Articling Students
Funding permitting, LEAF hires one articling student each year. We will publish the job posting on our website in late spring, and otherwise follow the hiring timelines set by the Law Society of Ontario.
Summer Law Students
During the summer, funding permitting, LEAF hires one or two full-time summer law students. Summer students must be enrolled at an accredited Canadian law school. The job posting for our summer student position(s) is posted to our website and advertised in Canadian law schools at the beginning of January, with an application deadline around the end of January.
Please note that we are unfortunately unable to accept additional student placements for summer 2025.
Law Student Interns/Externs
During the fall and winter school terms, we only take student interns/externs through our partner schools. We partner with Canadian law schools on a rotating basis.